Saturday, April 28, 2012

My whole hearted thank you to you!!!

Thank you for coming out to Yoga Day!
Thank you for your kindness and for taking a stand for Human Rights..
Thank you for opening up to a brave new world of Raw Vegans
Thank you for dressing up in layers and feeling your inner warmth even though it was only 11 *C outside..

Much gratitude fills my heart tonight.

Here are some photos of our gathering... and I will be sharing some of the delisciousness we got to enjoy today over the next few days....

Friday, April 27, 2012

Did you hear the news? Nutella... not so nutritious after all!

MMMhhh a long time coming!

There is an article on the Globe and Mail today about Nutella backing off 'balanced breakfast' claims after being hit with a $ 3-million dollar lawsuit. Fascinating isn't it... I wonder who will be next?

Don't get me wrong... I grew up on this stuff! used to love it... but it didn't love me very much.

I love chocolate, I love deliciousness but in today's world there are plenty of other ways to get it than the high fat, modified ingredients kind of way. Seek the things you love that love you back in return! no matter what the ads say! We live in a world where there is plenty of misleading marketing going around.. so read the fine print... yea .. the one below the fine print "printed" on the label.

Did you know “Nutella contains over 55 per cent processed sugar, the consumption of which has been shown to cause type 2 diabetes and other serious health problems. Indeed, the serving size, 2 tablespoons, contains 200 calories, 11 grams of fat – 3.5 of which are saturated fat (18 per cent of your daily recommended value) – and 21 grams of sugar,” 

Did you know "Nutella contains little protein and consists primarily of sugar and modified palm oil"...

Food for thought, isn't it?

I thought I would brighten up your day... 

Creative without strategy is called 'art.' Creative with strategy is called 'advertising.'
Jef I. Richards

Deal of the week: Super Angel 5500 Stainless Steel Living Juice Extractor!

There is a super sweet deal going on now for one of the top juicers you may not want to miss! It's on only for 4 more days and 21 hrs... or so! So go for it and get those juicers ready.. 'cause you know its coming.. right?

A juicer is an investment that will last a lifetime.. or at least 18 years as my previous (not so expensive) juicer did! It's an investment in your health and in your future! It's a great start to your day.. makes your brain sing and dance with happiness!

The deal is for the Super Angel 5500 Stainless Steel Living Juice Extractor... it's a heavy duty twin blade juicer that can do fruit, veggies, leafy greens, wheatgrass and more!!!! without hardly any loss of nutrition and enzymes!

This machine usually sells for $ 990.00 and it is being sold for $389.00 on Dealticker... our friend Eva Ticktin let me know of the deal.. if you do go ahead with it, there is also a referral discount, so please use her name along with your purchase.

If I didn't have a twin blade juicer already I would be in on the deal! It's simply too good to pass.
But as with any deals, do a little research .. a few other good juice machines are found at Upaya. They have a wide selection.. once again, as you will see the prices vary quite a bit. But the prices for a really good juicer start around $300.00 or so. You may be able to find some of the other juicers cheaper in Amazon or other sites, but this super sweet deal wooh! It's just too good!

Still after having said all that I stand true to "the best juicer is the one you can afford". A juicer is better than no juicer.
I love the smell of juice boxes in the morning.
Robert Duvall

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Come out and celebrate Yoga Day doing Yoga by the Pond. Come 'on.  Celebrate that you live in this beautiful country where our Human Rights are valued and met. Where we have the luxury to stand tall and pay attention, recognize, and invoke change for those who do not get to benefit from their birth right.

Come out and connect with others who think like you, who value what you value. Donate to help with the changes that need to happen. More so, take a stand, inspire yourself and those who surround you.

Yoga by the Pond & Raw Vegan Potluck for Human Rights will be happening this SATURDAY APRIL 28TH @ 4pm. If it is simply too cold outside, we will have the class inside and do a walking silent meditation around the pond. (We still get to enjoy it!). Potluck will be held indoors.

Click on the event for details.

 The most important pieces of equipment you need for doing yoga are your body and your mind. 
Rodney Yee

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Feeling gratitude for the wild wild snow!

Can you believe it? Snow coming down... what in April.... strange things happen out there. In my 20 years in this country I have witnessed snow in May too! so, I guess you never know.

Feeling gratitude for what is here now has brought much peace to my heart as I hope brings peace to yours. But how do we connect with gratitude in the midst of the long lists of things to do?

Well, we sit, we breathe and we first invoke the feeling until it begins to come to us naturally. We pay attention to the things and people who are in our lives instead to the things and people that are not part of our reality right now, to the beauty that surrounds us, to the miracles that happen everyday, to the abundance that already is here. The more we pay attention to what is here in front of us, the more gratitude feels our hearts the more can then go out there and make our dreams happen!

I have been working with a Healing Meditation that I want to share with you. I call it Gratitude Healing Meditation... you can even do it as you are laying down before falling asleep, it may give you the best sleep ever!

Sit quietly with your eyes closed. Focus on your breath.

Bring your attention to your heart and acknowledge all the things for which you feel gratitude.

Now with the intention to release any discomfort, pain, emotion, grievance, regrets, hostility that you may feel. Bring the emotion to your consciousness and let them go. Express what you are feeling to yourself and silently say "I let it go". Repeat the process a few times.

Now, for a few breaths, repeat the phrase "THY WILL BE DONE". Repeat it like a mantra.

Bring your attention back into your body. If there is an area of tension, pain, discomfort, bring your breath to it with the intention of releasing it.

Focus on your breath, move your awareness to your heart. Become aware of its beat, as sound, vibration, and feeling. Have the intention for your heart rate to slow down. Bring your attention to your hands. Feel the throbbing of your heartbeat in your hands. Feel the tingling and warmth that come from your heart. Intend to increase the blood flow and temperature of your hands.

Move your awareness to your eyes. feel the throbbing of your heartbeat in your eyes, and then in your face.

Move your awareness through your whole body. If there is an area of your body that you believe needs healing, intend warmth for that area. Bring the awareness of your breath, of your heartbeat to this area. Silently repeat "healing and transformation". Repeat several times, "healing and transformation".

Bring your awareness back to your heart. Just be aware of your heartbeat. Then move your awareness to your breath. After a few moments, open your eyes to complete the healing meditation.

Repeat the Gratitude Healing Meditation often. The more you do it, the more you will be able to feel the heartbeat, warmth and tingling sensation through your body.

(this meditation is from the book: Perfect Health by Deepak Chopra.)


Just 4 days till YOGA DAY!!!!!!  so come out! do Yoga by the Pond... it looks like it will be a sunny but cold day, so wear a lot of layers. The Potluck will be indoors.. Click on the link for details.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy Earth Day earthlings and a cheers to a more conscious future!!

Happy Earth day earthlings! and a cheers to a more conscious and aware future!

What are you doing for Earth Day today? Big or small I hope you bring your breath along with the intention of creating a future that is more conscious about our interaction with Mother Earth. A future where respect, awareness, caring are an equal part of the economic formula. A future where our children are deeply connected with the energy and cycles of the earth, with the sources of their food, with their emotions and with their true selves. A future where basic human rights a met worldwide. A future of abundance and health.

That is my prayer for today, Earth Day and to that I raise my glass!

Earth Day Juice 
4 stalks celery
4 collard leafs
small bunch parsley
alfalfa sprouts (or any kind)
3 apples
1 lemon
1/4 fennel
4 carrots

Juice it all up! then place in the blender along with...

1 tsp chia seeds
1 tsp hemp seeds
1 dropper marine phytoplancton
1 tbsp sea algae powder
1 tsp irish moss gel (boil a small piece of Irish Moss with water for 5 min. or let it sit overnight, then blend and you will get the gel)

Pour into a glass... Focus on your breath and your heart... and enjoy!

Feel the goodness!

What's in your glass today? This is what is in mine!


We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. 
- Native American Proverb


Sat. April 28th, @ 4pm Yoga by the Pond & Raw Vegan Potluck for Human Rights. Donate to Amnesty International and come out! 

Sunday May 27th, 11 am - 1pm. Felicia Weinstein will be offering her sprouting workshop again. Email her for details. Check it out!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

FREE Presentation from The HEALTH Project Dr. Brian Clement & The "Sproutman" Apr 19, 2012 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Thought you should know... if you are in the area. i am sure it will be well worth it.

FREE Presentation from The HEALTH Project Dr. Brian Clement & The "Sproutman" at Croation Centre - 10 mins North of the 401 - Behind Church at Back


9118 Winston Churchill Blvd,
TorontoON L0P 1K0
Cost: Free - FREE Brought to you by WALK THIS WAY - A new fundraising "WALK" to raise money for Health Education - Donations will be accepted at the door! For more info visit
The “Sproutman”
What you put into your body every day has more of an impact on your
health than anything else. But some foods have more healing power
than others! Discover how a diet rich in micro-greens and baby vegetables
contain a juggernaut of concentrated phyto-chemicals
that can prevent and reverse disease.
Dr. Brian Clement
Dealing With Disease and Cancer…
Achieving Vital Health
You Will Discover The Secrets To:
• Rejuvenate Your Body & Mind
• Dealing With Cancer, Disease
and Life-Threatening Illness
• Pain & Fibromyalgia, Headaches & Migraine
• Forgetfulness & Irritability, Insomnia & Fatigue
• Increase Energy, Strength and Endurance
• Healing Yourself Naturally for Vibrant Health
Donations will be accepted at the door!
For more info visit
Guest Speakers (6 pm - 10 pm)
Guest Speaker
Dr. Brian Clement
Director of the World Famous
Hippocrates Health Institute
and Leading Author of Living
Foods for Optimum Health
Steve Meyerowitz
is one of the world’s
leading proponents
of sprouting, juicing, fasting,
wheatgrass, indoor
gardening, raw foods
and pure water.
Croatian Centre • 9118 Winston Churchill Blvd,
Norval, Ontario (10 mins North of the 401)
Turn Your Kitchen into A “Farmacy”
Discover the Healing Medicines in Micro Greens
& Baby Greens

Tuesday is Yoga Day at the Rawllygood...

There is just so much to say in so many directions that I am trying to set things up so I get a chance to do it all!! I know .. there will always be more that I want to do... but I think it's a good way to start.

So Tuesdays will be all things Yoga... from the breath, to poses, to books and discoveries I make as I journey deeper into this world I love.

The Importance of our practice:

We may be new Yoginis, old Yoginis, new to the whole scene altogether. Often we hear the teachers we follow talk about their practice, about how important it is to make time for your own practice. I know for a long time I heard those words and was overwhelmed by them. Not knowing exactly how to make time for myself in the midst of a busy family life. Not knowing what to do first because there is so much I want to do. But my commitment was not as deep as it is now, for any little wave of life, would send "my practice" out the window, and then the whole process would start again.

Since my 40 day juice fast and 40 day meditation practice I have continued my commitment to my practice. It is a different kind of commitment, from a deeper space within me, that makes everything else work around the practice instead of trying to squeeze the practice in at some point during the busy day.  Some days, even getting up earlier than usual only allows for a short practice.  But even if it is short, sitting and noticing the breath creates a space within me of gratitude, wonder, acknowledgement that all is well, that I am taking care of myself.

Long ago a yoga teacher told me if you don't take care of yourself first, you won't be able to take care of those around you in the long run. At the time I didn't understand what she meant. In my mind, I had little ones to attend and thought taking that daily time to myself was selfish. Now I understand that it is selfish but necessary, because only when your light shines to the world are you able to share it. If your inner light struggles to maintain itself constantly attending others than at some point it will burn out, and I know that one all too well. So today I see 'my practice' as a gift not only to myself but to those around me.

My gift to you comes in the words of 'simplify your practice'. Start with 5 minutes a day. Make your practice whatever you want it to today. It may change as you change. Start by sitting quietly and noticing the breath. Then see what happens. Perhaps your practice is about stretching the body doing some Yoga Asanas (poses), or dancing to the beat of the drum...

Yoga is not only about Asana, as we see it here in the West. It is about union. Union of body, mind and soul. Yoga is about connecting with our breath no matter what we are doing, about connecting with the divinity within and allowing it to shine. It is about connecting to your inner truth, about brining peace and wisdom into your life.

Om Shanti Shanti Om

 In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice they are not Yogi Berra

Monday, April 16, 2012

Yoga & Raw Vegan Potluck for Human rights! Come out!

On Saturday April 28th, Yoga Day will be happening all across Canada.  Yoga Day is a fundraiser organized by Amnesty International to raise awareness and funds for Amnesty International's work to protect and promote women's human rights around the world.

So in the spirit of Awareness for Human Rights I will be teaching a class by the pond on Saturday April 28th, at 4.30 - 5.45 pm.  The class will be followed by a Raw Vegan Potluck- 6pm.  So bring your matt, bring a dish, take some deep breaths for change and explore your creativity and curiosity in the world of Raw Vegan!

Bring your friends and families. It's time to gather together as a community and shine!

Please join in by making a donation to Amnesty International through my page.  Share it with your families, friends, co-workers, schools!  Any donation higher than $10.00 will receive a tax receipt. Unfortunately I will not be able to give out tax receipts for donations given on site.  So donate online and come out!  Click on my personal page  where you can sponsor me.  My goal is to raise $750.00 or more!!!!!

Here is the information you need to log in:
Name: Natalie Howard
Team: Yoga By The Pond

Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Spread the good karma around!

Details of the day:

Event opening time: 4 pm (please know there is a 5 - 10 minute walk depending of where you have to park your car, as well as, releases must be signed prior to the Yoga Class)

Yoga Class: 4.30 pm - 5.45 pm. The class is a mix of Hatha Yoga and Dahn Yoga.  It includes relaxation, stretching, chakra balancing and meditation.  It is open to all levels of yoga practioners.  Even if it will be your first class, come out!!!

Raw Vegan Potluck: 6 pm
Please bring a dish that is Raw Vegan.  Bring your own plate, cutlery and glass.  As many of us have multiple food sensitivities kindly bring a copy of your recipe.

Raw Vegan Sources of inspiration:

Place: 8641 Concession 2, Mount Albert, ON, L0G 1M0
           Tel:   905- 2512372

NOTE: With GPS and Googlemaps you may not find us.  We are on Concession 2, North of Davis Drive,  South of Sandford Rd. (Green Lane).  We are 15 minutes East of Newmarket, 12 minutes West of Uxbridge, 5 minutes East of Mount Albert and 45 minutes NE of Toronto.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Inspiration.. so glad you are here.

As I continue to feel gratitude in my heart for the life I live and those who are a part of it, I am welcoming a new wave of inspiration, of re-connectiong with nature, of quiet moments, of deep thankfulness for all that is now and has been a part of me.

Sometimes, inspiration goes away, it seems to have fallen far away onto other lands. Other times, well, there is just not enough time in the day to do all the things I am inspired to do!!

More and more it is in those quiet moments, it is in meditation that inspiration strikes.

I had a chance today to be by the pond
to be
quietly witnessing my breath
breathing yours

I had a chance today to feel joy
to be inspired by your inspiration
to be motivated by your changes

I had a chance today to smile at life
understanding her support
through the sounds of nature all around

I had a chance today to feel the energy of life all around
within me and outside of my self

I had a chance today to thank my soul
my aatmaa
the divinity within

“Everything around us is made up of energy. To attract positive things in your life, start by giving off positive energy.” – Celestine Chua

Working my share of an organic CSA- Happy Farms!

Spring is in the air and many farms and CSA's are already working their way into growing nutritious delicious food for us. If you are familiar with CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) great, if you are not, find out if there is one near you, join, become a member and get your fresh produce directly from the farmers! It is the best way of getting real food to your table. Food that you know has been loved and well taken care of.

If possible take the extra step this season and seek an organic CSA Farm near you. There are so many, ask for a tour of the farm, ask for a list of what they grow, some deliver, some you have to pick up.

If you have the time, volunteer for half of your share! which means you still get all the produce but instead of paying full membership, you pay half and work your hours for the other half! It is magical and beautiful to be out there in the field. It makes me connect at a deeper level with the food I eat. It provides me with a different understanding of what it takes to grow the food, to nurture and care for it, until it is ready to nurture us. The energy and consciousness of the land and the farmer have tremendous impact on the food they produce which will have tremendous impact on you when you consume it.

I love the smells of the food I eat, I love the smell of fresh dew on the land as I get ready to volunteer my time. It all leaves an imprint on our body and on our minds. Today we 'experimented' on getting the sweet potatoes ready for sprouting (it takes them 4 - 6 weeks!), transplanted seedlings and weeded and cleaned up the raspberry bushes... I can already taste their sweetness!

If you live in the area, North York, Newmarket, Uxbridge, Durham there are several Organic CSA's.
I have become a member of Happy Farms. Checked them out!  Angela, CSA farmer, has an open golden heart. Laugher and funny journeys are a guaranty at her farm. The Farm is about 15 - 20 minutes east of Newmarket.

Sue and me cleaning the raspberry bushes!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tasty Raw Vegan Nut cheeses that leave the other stuff behind!

I haven't had cheese in a million years or so it feels, but these Nut "Cheeses" are so good and rich and delicious! that really,  no turning back.. so Cheeses, watch out!

The first one is from my friend Lee... it meant the world to me to have someone else make me a treat... I am always in the kitchen and eating out is quite limited... so it truly is special to have enjoyed what someone else made with love...

Lee's Pumpkin, Cashew, Brazil Nut Cheese

3 cups raw pumpkin seeds, soaked overnight
1 cup Brazil nuts, soaked overnight
1/2 cup raw cashews, soaked overnight
3/4 cup extra virgin cold pressed olive oil
1/4 cup of water
1 TBS chopped fresh Savory
1 TBS chopped fresh Sage
2 TBS chopped fresh Parsley
1/2 cup of fresh Dill
2 cloves garlic
2 TBS Umeboshi Plum Paste

Drain and rinse the seeds and nuts. Transfer to a food processor (it may need to be done in batches). Process until the mixture forms a paste. Add the oil, water, herbs, umeboshi paste and process until smooth.

Chill the mixture and form into wheels.
Can keep in the fridge for up to 5 days. It can also be frozen for up to 2 months.      

The second one I made for our Passover Seder... and it even stinks like good old cheese!

Fermented Happy Birthday Nut Cheese Base

4 cups of macadamia nuts
2 cups of rejuvelac

Blend together (best done on a high speed blender). Blend for 1 minute, then stop for 30 secs. Then blend again. Blend until smooth.
Pour mixture into a cheese-cloth lined sieve over a bowl to drain. Wrap the cheese mixture in the cheese-cloth and put weight on top to drain any excess liquid. (Jars filled with water are an excellent weight.)
Cover and let the cheese ripen at room temperature overnight or 2 to 3 days for a more fermented cheese. I let this cheese stay "fermenting" at room temp for 2 days.

Once the "cheese" mixture has been fermented, divide the mixture in two. Transfer the mixtures into dry clean containers. Will keep in the fridge for up to a week or it can be frozen for up to several months. I kept one for immediate use and froze one "Nut Cheese Base" for another day. (which happened to be my birthday!)

Fermented Dill-Scallion Nut Cheese

1 Nut cheese base mixture (about 2 cups of cheese)
2 garlic cloves
1/4 cup chopped fresh dill
6 scallions (or adjust to taste)
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp freshly ground black pepper

Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Process until smooth. You may need to stop sometimes to scrape the mixture down and then continue processing.
Place mixture onto mould, chill and serve.

It is just so good! A little patience will go a long way! It may seem like a process but it is really not. Most of it happens on its own.

I love to hear about you, about the little or not so little changes you have integrated into your life. I love the little steps and the big consequences. I love that you have chosen now to be the time to change, because deep within you know there is no better time, and there will always be a ton of excuses not to do it. So a pad of the back to you. Keep your stories coming. They inspire me.

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. 

Wayne Gretzky

Monday, April 9, 2012

Have you made deliciousness yet?

This is what my pantry looked like this week.

With it I made lots of deliciousness.

Have you made deliciousness yet?

Come'on... get soaking and sprouting...

Deliciousness awaits.

38 reasons to be thankful....

What a week! between Holidays and days of school and life ... well I didn't get a chance to sit and write.... but today is a special day. It's my birthday. I am turning 38. As I take a look back unto this year's happenings, and yes it's been busy one, there is so much to be thankful for.

I am thankful for health, for growth, and for the inner knowing to seek answers on the path less traveled.
I am thankful for my family, my children, my husband.
I am thankful for my family of origin, for my heritage and those who breathed before me.
I am thankful for yoga, meditation and the awareness of my breath.
I am thankful for dawn and dusk and for seeing the sun and the moon at the same time.
I am thankful for the little reminders of the magic and the miracle of being alive.
I am thankful for the juice fast, for the healing and for the strength it allowed me to discover within myself.
I am thankful for good old friends. Who know you and love you, even if our paths may seem different now.
I am thankful for technology that keeps us all connected.
I am thankful for having people in my life who are an inspiration.
I am thankful for the many years that are still to come...

I am thankful for having found a voice through this blog, as little as it may seem, it has been just so helpful to me.

I am thankful for the raw vegan nut cheese my friend Lee (the Rawlly Rancher) made for me!


I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose.
Woody Allen

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Still trying to land back on earth from Mars.. oopss the Yoga Conference I mean.

Whenever life brings you the gift of stepping out from your earthly experiences to experience other walks of life, there is always 'reintegration' when you come back.

The Yoga Conference was great. There are two teachers I continue to be inspired by, the first is Sean Corn, her commitment to service, to the intention of individual and global healing and her Off the Mat programs simply leave me always thankful and bowing my head in gratitude for the experience of her class. The second, is Sadie Nardini. I had heard a lot about her, but this was my first year talking a class with her. I admire her humbleness, openness and lightness of being. I learned briefly to tap into the vastness of my Core to move from pose to pose, to use the strength beyond the muscle strength and to pay even more attention to my alignment and to the way "teachers" in general speak of alignment. I like to take my time getting into a pose, I like to feel my breath in it and feel supported and grounded. I don't like to move so fast through them that I am not able to connect with my breath. I actually makes both my body and mind feel agitated.

So check them out. They are wonderful resources.. you may never know where you'll find them as these busy bees keep moving around the globe sharing their passion and truth with the rest of us mortals.

My reintegration has been good. I feel like there is still so much to learn and explore and breath into and celebrate! I just want to stay on the mat!!

But I am planing some Off the Matt and into the world happenings for you... so stay tuned!