Wednesday, June 12, 2013

No No No... Of course I have not forgotten about you!... and Yes! It's Official!

The days seem to roll on and goodness, gracious we are in June already!

I hope you have been well... I have been a busy bee... and thus my lack of communication.. but it's all all right .. I am still here...

Last Sunday night, I had the privilege of hosting the first ever Rawllygood Potluck at our place. With family and friends we gathered and lead the way to one of many Potlucks to be had.  So ITS OFFICIAL! The Rawllygood Potluck is here to stay... on the first Sunday of the month between 5 -7pm.  So gather yourselves and come on by for a Rawllygood time full of inspiration, community and great people who strive to build a wholesome community.  No worries, you don't have to be Raw Vegan to come on by.. just have an open heart and a willing to try new things, that is all.  Actually, I was the only Raw vegan at this pot!, but I am full of luck in that as friends and family we respect each other's choices recognizing that we have a common desire to reconnect with the power of clean real fresh food and the power that as our community grows so does our awareness of our current environment and our awareness to be of support to one another.

Our next Rawllygood Potluck will be on Sunday July 7th, 5 - 7pm.  The potluck will be at our place (8641 concession 2, Mt. Albert/ Uxbridge, ON-- beware of GPS they will take you to the moon before they find our place!) but we have an opportunity to gather earlier at my friend's Anne and her husband Mike Lanigan Organic Farm for their Annual Farm tour.  It's bound to be a great day, can't get any fresher than that! From the farm to the table!

The Organic Farmhouse Garden Tour starts at 2.30pm and it is a Rain or Shine event.  Dress for the weather.  No pets please.  They do a great tour of their organic farm, it is an eye opener!.  Their address is 30 Scugog Line 12, Uxbridge, On.

So if you are interested in coming out, you can meet us there or meet us here for 5pm. If you are interested in coming only to the Potluck, let me know, and I will let you know where we are.  Either way please RSVP so that we have an idea of the numbers we are expecting.

Details of the Rawllygood Potluck:

Please bring a Raw Beegan dish of your own creation (I am ok with using raw honey as a sweetener, more on that follows, but keeping it Vegan otherwise) . Enough for the confirmed number of people to sample. Organic, dairy/egg free, plant based, meat free, not heated over 41C or 105F, along with a list of ingredients or recipe!! I will try my best to post some of the AWESOME recipes on the Blog.

Please AVOID the use of Agave syrup. IF your recipe calls for it you can use RAW cane sugar, dates or raw honey. Agave syrup is basically Fructose! and it will mess around with your blood sugars. More on that at

I know some of you are completely Vegan. We will do our best to respect that.
There are many websites to find inspiration such as:
I will be sending reminders of it on a monthly basis.
Please RVSP back to me so that I can have an idea of the numbers and we can all plan our dishes accordingly.

“True wisdom lies in gathering the precious things out of each day as it goes by.”- Anonymous