Creek, Creek, Creek.. yes I am slowly opening the doors of my cave into the world only to find out that Spring is here! and OMG I have not written in a very long time!!! Didn't you know I'm a modern cave woman... a cave woman at heart after all!
Yes, snow is still here and spring is in the air! The birds are out, the grounds are peeking through (ok, just a bit), the sun is still out at 6pm and there is a freshness in the air... I'm so excited! Spring is the time of letting go of the old layers that no longer serve us, of letting go of past thoughts and behaviours that keep us limited, clearing patterns that hold us back, clearing our attachments to relationships that no longer serve us, but not necessarily letting go of the relationships themselves rather shifting our perspective, expectation and attachment to them. It's time to let go, detox and refresh! It's time to create new daily habits that serve us, that leap us forward and allow us to connect deeper to Spirit. It's time to make peace with ourselves allowing us to feel safe within the boundaries of our skin and the potential of our breath. It's time to be the best possible version of ourselves we can be ... sounds to good to be true?
Naaaa.. you can do it.
Must I remind you that there are many steps along our own personal yellow brick road ? One baby step further onto the best possible version of ourselves is a HUGE step!!!
So this Spring let's think about some of those HUGE baby steps that we've been waiting to take... it's time to take them and knowing that there are other people out there taking them with us seems somehow less intimidating doesn't it?. It does for me. Feel the ripples of goodness from your HUGE baby step(s) benefiting your life already... expect greatness and greatness will come to you.
Let the real power inside yourself come out! let it transform your life.. let it shine! let it be... Breath it into existence.
Affirm to yourself what you want to attract into your life... and witness the magic at work..
So come on by, step by step, and join us for two great events that I will be hosting this spring:
Sunday March 23rd, 5-7pm, is the come back of the Rawllygood Potluck, celebrating the Spring Equinox, with a twist of Raw goodness. So check the guidelines out, and come on by… please rsvp.
Saturday May 3rd, 9-5pm. Homesteading for Raw Nutrition. Full day workshop. Presented by Phill Collins from Foggy River Farms, and myself.
The moment we have all been waiting for….. my first Raw Food Nutrition class along with my friends from Foggy River Farm. Phil Collins will be teaching about nutrient dense foods to grow on your own edible garden, how to start your own Orchard, tree planting and garden soil preparation. I will be teaching Raw Food Nutrition. We will have hands-on activities, such as tree planting and garden bed preparation. It is a day jam packed full of greatness and inspiration!
For more information and to register for the full day workshop, please visit
Raw vegan breakfast & lunch are included in the cost of the workshop.
I hope you are able to join us.
Quote of the Day
"Embrace each challenge in your life as an opportunity for self-transformation."- Bernie S. Siegel