Two other tools in my healing toolbox are Tongue scrapping, Oil Pulling, and the Neti Pot. All come from the Ayurveda tradition. Ayurveda is the science of life and healing that developed in India. The term Ayurveda means "Knowledge of Life". Ayurveda itself is a complex system of wisdom and knowledge to guide us in maintaining or creating harmony and health in body, mind, emotions and spirit. Two powerful tools of detoxification and cleansing are Oil Pulling and the Neti Pot. If done on a consistent basis, they assist the body in getting rid of toxins before they accumulate and create too much trouble. They are easy to do, don't take too much time... well one of them does, but I think they are important part of a weekly, if possible, daily routine.
Tongue Scrapping is the process the build up of the layer of mucus and toxins that builds up overnight on our tongues with a tongue scrapper. It's pretty easy, takes a sec, and it does wonders for the body. It is also like a massage for the tongue. Our tongue is like a map of our bodies, different sections correspond to the different organs, so massaging our tongue, activates our different organs and clearing the toxic build up on our tongues, then clears inner toxicity as well.
Tongue scrappers are widely available at health food stores, they can be made of metal or plastic, your choice. Just make sure you give it a good rinse after you have used it.
Oil Pulling
Oil pulling is a very simple but powerful process that consists of swishing or pulling around Cold pressed oil ( Sesame or Sunflower oil- but I think sesame is best) in the mouth for about 15 to 20 minutes first thing in the morning, before brushing teeth, on an empty stomach. The process draws out toxins from the body without disturbing the healthy microflora. In this way it is possible to heal cells, tissue and all organs. The healing process may be fast for some or slower for others. As the oil is being swished and pulled by the tongue, between the teeth, the oil gets mixed with saliva and it activates teh enzymes in the mouth that draws toxins out of the blood. The oil must NOT be swallowed as it becomes toxic. As the process continues the oil changes colour from yellowish to white. It must be spit out, and the mouth must be fully washed and cleansed with water.
Oil pulling can be repeated up to three times a day, always on an empty stomach.
This ancient tradition does take a bit of time in the morning, but it's benefits are worth the time!
The Neti Pot is used as a tool in Nasal Irrigation. It is also commonly used in the Ayurveda tradition, and it is commonly known of in the Yogic tradition. It is used to clear the Sinus passages and prevent the accumulation of mucus and toxicity in the Nasal cavity. It is quite simple and quick and it is a good tool to get you clearing and singing your Good Morning Sunshine tunes!
The process involved the use of a Neti pot. They are widely available at health food stores these days. Fill up the Neti Pot with warm water and a pinch of GROUND sea salt or pink himalayan salt (PLEASE DO NOT USE TABLE SALT). Place the Neti Pot on one nostril, close your throat, and insert the warm salty water into your nostril. (Please do so over the sink as it will come out the other nostril). Do so until about half the mixture has been used. Stop, clear your nose. Then repeat the process on the other side. It sound more complicated then what it really is.
It really freshens you up!
So there you go. Three new or perhaps not so new tools for your toolbox.
May the you sing your Good Morning Sunshine songs loud enough to make your neighbours dance! :)
Ring the bells that can still ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.- Leonard Cohen
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