So, now that I have given you my open heart... let's juice it up!
One of the most important things we can do for ourselves is to RE MINERALIZE as we heal... and simply just to RE MINERALIZE every day through juicing and eating foods that contain high amount of minerals..
Most of us today are mineral deficient. Even when we eat organic foods, they don't always have the minerals that we need for vibrant health. So where do we find these precious friends, you say?
Juicing is a must.. juicing concentrates the amounts of the minerals present in foods and because it is a liquid, they are easily absorbed by our systems without much loss. Most minerals are lost in the process of cooking our food, so adding fresh raw foods daily to our diet, will also increase the RE MINERALIZATION process. And last but not least, eating fresh sprouts, both with green leafs and with the tails (just at the beginning of the process).
And when you combine them all... well think of giving your body some much needed SUPER POWERS!
Fresh pressed raw vegetable green juices that include sprouts... is like having a green blood transfusion first thing in the morning that will have your cells tickle and dance for the rest of the day!
A very easy green juice that I like to start my days with is what I call the
1 whole cucumber, washed and cut
6 celery ribs
1 or 2 green apples
handful of sunflower sprouts
1 inch piece of ginger
Juice it all up by alternating the ingredients so that your juicer runs smoothly..
Juice it up and consciously and slowly drink it up!
If you don't have access to sprouts, keep things simple and juice the rest of the veggies.. it's still all superpower goodness!
"Many people put more time into the maintenance of their cars than into their own body! Buy yourself organic vegetables and eat them. Invest in yourself. ... You can ask yourself , “What have I consumed today that will build high integrity blood , bone, brain and body tissue? What have I done today that will add another day to my life?” Annie Padden and David Jubb
LifeFood Recipe Book North Atlantic Books
Thanks Naty for your help and your open honesty. Love this smoothy too.