Well well, this ride of mine has hit a DETOUR…. Yeap.
Capital DETOUR.
The 40 day juice fast and meditation, have allowed my right
side to continue to heal. I am so thrilled at the fact that I have been able to
try foods that previously got my right side “pain” going, without side
effects!. Which is a HUGE step.
But I wanted more and got really excited in the
reintegration process… perhaps too excited for now I have to take a DETOUR and
take a few steps back.
Eating some cooked foods is fine. Eating foods that have
been cooked through the process of heating oils is NOT fine. I feel exhausted
after eating them and my tummy is simply not happy. So my few steps back take
me back to my raw vegan paradise where I thrive with the foods I eat.
I am so thankful for the foods that I am able to eat and for
the healing that has taken place. I am thankful for the insights and for the
understanding that I need to respect my body for where it is at. I am thankful
for it is in my weaknesses that I find the greatest strengths. It is in what
doesn’t completely ‘fall in with my plan’, that I find my teacher.
Life has gotten even busier this week and I have not been
able to sit for the 40 minutes I had been enjoying before. The 20 minutes or so
that I do sit keep me connected and going but the depth that I had before is
not here. I miss my 40 minutes!!!
So I ask for ‘life to fall into place” so the space opens up again…. I
know that it is me who needs to fall back into place….
So to celebrate this DETOUR I made a delicious raw soup
today for lunch today:
1 avocado
1 carrot
1 tomato
1 red pepper
handful cilantro
1 lemon (seeds out-they will make it bitter)
small handful dulse
more sprouts
grated carrot (if you have)- I didn’t have time today.. I
just put extra mung bean sprouts!
Blend the first 8 ingredients together until smooth. Add
sprouts, grated carrots and other chopped veggies of your choice as toppings.
"Keep up
and you will be kept up." ~ Yogi Bhajan
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