Wednesday, March 28, 2012

uhhhhh!!! i have caught up with the 21st Century!

After some trial and error we are back online!!! and with high speed at that.... it may be old news to you, but here were a few of us choose to live it's new news to me!

I don't know if it's pre Yoga conference and all the Detox workshops I have signed up for.. but man, emotions run high and low, emotions emotions where have you been hiding all these years??

I decided to finally unpack it all... tired of seeing boxes staring right back at me... and oopps along with the stuff came more stuff if you know what I mean.

I am trying to breath into it and hope that the classes I will be taking will shine some light into these raw emotions I am feeling.

As I connected to faster internet, an interesting email came to me about our Human Planet, our species living on the wildest places on earth and those struggling to survive. It has definitely brought some perspective and insight to my life.

Somehow having fast internet doesn't seem so important anymore.

“Some people see the glass half full. Others see it half empty. 
I see a glass that's twice as big as it needs to be.”  George Carlin

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