Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 13: Spicy Gingers, Sexy Vegans, Manly Vegans! Can you believe?

It is all possible, truely. To achieve optimal health and be beautiful, be sexy and for those who would like to: be manly. Since when did eating a steak has anything to do with being beautiful, sexy or, manly anyway?. I missed that evolutionary step. 

Yes, the news are true about the email circulating around ... Pamela Anderson is vegan, and Nigella Lawson is not and washes it all down with wine! good for them both to have found their own paths. But instead of looking out to who is doing or not doing what... how about some looking in?

Perhaps being vegan is not what you want to do right now, but perhaps that arthritis on the knee that keeps bothering you so much needs some attention.. and perhaps there is a link between what you put in your mouth and what your body does with it, and what if you could make it heal? and what if in the healing process you discovered wonderful new sources of energy, inspiration, and health far beyond anything you could have imagined? Possible.

In the meantime, for the one who needs her/ his steak. Be conscious of the food what you eat eats. Be conscious of what goes into the production of what you eat. My family is not all vegan, (not yet!!!!), but the animal protein the do have, and its getting to be less and less, is hormone/ antibiotic free, organic when possible. 

Now that was a spicy ginger yesterday, wasn't it?

I want to say that I strive to buy a lot of organic produce and food for us, but it is not always realistic. But just like the beef with the beef, become informed of the available choices. There is produce that is more sprayed than others, there is produce that is grown locally and in sustainable ways that may not be organic, but its pretty good. Check out the Dirty Dozen Fruits and Vegetables.

Its not a black and white issue, there are choices to be made, and there are lots of wonderful options as well. Non organic fresh produce is far better then processed microwave Lean Cuisine! so don't let the organic price get to you. 

The benefits of a plant based diet rich in fresh produce, far outweighs the fact that they may not be organic.

Now for those manly man out there.. what about checking some vegan athletes like Brendan BrazierTim VanOrdenRobert Cheekeand Koya Webb?

Photo taken in 2009 of Robert Cheeke at a natural bodybuilding competition at Clackamas high school in Oregon. Used with permission of Robert Cheeke.

 Its a brave new world my friends.


“Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.”- Unknown.


Morning: Carrot, beet, celery, turnip, apple, pea shoots, 4 oz of wheatgrass. 20 oz. (but I only had about 8 oz. it was way too sweet for me!)
Mid morning: cup of water with unpasteurized Miso.
Lunch: Fennel, celery, grapefruit, apple. 36 oz.
Dinner: Cucumber, kolraby, red cabbage, apple, green grapes, rainbow chard, cilantro. 36 oz.

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