Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 4: Detox ain't lovely but sure is worth it!

Day 4: Detox ain't lovely but sure is worth it!

Yeap, the Detox signs are here, a little acne, a little this and that... a lot knowing that I am giving my internal organs a well worth vacation and they will be back better then ever right after the break!

As I Juice away my body is detoxing, it is getting rid of what it no longer needs. Juicing provides me with all the minerals, enzymes and dense nutrition that I need all in a glass or two. It allows my body to use the energy generally used in digestion, to repair, rebuild and rejuvenate itself!

I have received several emails asking me about the juices that I make. My juices are "green juices". The majority of the contents of the juice are green (any dark leafy greens, cucumber, celery, sprouts), providing lots of chlorophyl and oxygen to my body as keeping the juice alkaline, low in sugar (Candida is no longer an issue, but I rather keep the juices green), clearing up the body's toxicity and remineralizing from the inside out.

I also drink a lot of Wheatgrass. My goal is to do between 6-8 oz a day during the Feast. Wheatgrass is just so RAWlly good! The following facts are just why I love this type of grass so much:

  • 1 fl. oz. of wheatgrass juice is equivalent to 2½ pounds of the choicest vegetables
  • wheatgrass is mineral rich and contains 92 minerals needed by the body
  • it is a complete protein containing 20+ amino acids and has higher protein densities than any other food source
  • the magic is in the enzymes with more than 30 found in the juice
  • the juice is 70% chlorophyll and since the chlorophyll molecule is virtually identical to hemoglobin (red blood cells that carry oxygen), wheatgrass juice will oxygenate your body
  • an as of yet unidentified, tiny molecule is responsible for the positive effect

You can find these facts and more at, a wonderful supplier of wheatgrass in Stouffville, ON. Their website is a wonderful resource, with great information about the potent powers of Wheatgrass.

I also use unpasteurized fermented Miso. It's still winter after all!  I find the warmth of the miso "tea" soothing. I use unpasteurized Miso because it is abundant in beneficial microorganisms and enzymes that aid digestion and food assimilation, as well, it protects the body against Heavy Metal Poisoning. It is a powerful antioxidant, protecting the cell's against free radicals, and it is effective in reducing chronic pain. Among other things... not bad at all!

Today I didn't juice at night as I find I get an energy boost from it and have been feeling as if a current of energy is running through my body at night... kinda makes it hard to sleep... we'll see what tomorrow brings.
"When in doubt, eat a sprout"- my dear punny husband.

Morning: 2 oz of wheatgrass juice in 8 oz of water.
Mid morning: a cup of hot water with unpasteurized Miso and lemon.
Lunch: kale, collard, spinach, celery, carrot, parsley, apple, lemon juice. 8 oz.
Mid Afternoon: 2 oz of wheatgrass juice in 8 oz of coconut water.
Half an hour later:  Spinach, Pak Choi, fennel, carrot, grapefruit, 16 oz.
Dinner: a cup of hot water with unpasteurized Miso.

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