Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 8: How many times have you been to the moon and back?

Yeap, you read that right. And yes I still have my feet on the ground.

I have been reading the book: Whole foods to Thrive, by Brendan Brazier. It is as much a recipe book as a tool for learning about the impact our food choices have on our health, the impact of the food industry on the sustainability of the earth, and a guide to understanding nutrient dense whole foods.

Would you believe, "7.5 times more greenhouse gas emissions are created in the production of food than by its delivery"?.

Would you believe, "Livestock production uses a staggering 70 percent of all arable land and 30 percent of the land surface of the planet?".

Would you believe, "If Canadians abstained from eating beef for one year, we'd save in emissions as much as if we'd chosen to not drive our cars a distance equal to 693,961 trips to the moon"?.

Now that's a lot of trips!. 

We all know that our food production emits greenhouse gas, we all know that we as a species are polluting the earth at rates the earth can not sustain itself. But examples like these, really demonstrate the severity of the problem with great clarity and precision.

Check it out, I highly recommend it. 
The recipes are wonderful as well.

Check out Brendan's website for wonderful guidance and tools to achieve long term health through a plant based diet.

"Identify your problems, but give your power and energy to solutions."- Anthony Robbins 

Morning: 2 oz. of wheatgrass in 8 oz of water
Half an hour later: alfalfa, cabbage, broccoli, sunflower seeds sprouts cucumber, celery, green apple, lime. 12 0z
Lunch: kale, collard, cucumber, celery, cilantro, green apple, pineapple 36 0z 
Afternoon: cup of hot water with Unpasteurized Miso.
Before Dinner: Sunflower, radish, mustard, shungiku sprouts, pea shoots, kale, celery, pear, apple, cilantro, parsnip, 20 oz
Dinner: collard, celery, red pepper, tomato, cilantro, mango. 24 oz.

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