Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 20: half way there and four leaps ahead!!!!

Half way there can you believe it?

I feel so blessed with love and life today. I feel ever so determined to finish my Juice Feast and my commitment to the 40 day spiritual Feast. I have already witnessed physical, emotional, energetic change within myself over the past 2.5 years. Change that has been brought to the spotlight during the past 20 days. Change that today is a very loud life affirming YES!!!!

I got my blood tested today, and besides a little bit of heavy metals left (which I have known to be there) my blood is CLEAN!!! yea, CLEAN!!!!!

I cannot begin to express the enormity of this. I have struggled for 15 years with many things, always not quite right. Healed my self a few times through a whole food diet, but then 'got stuck' again. The past couple of years have been a lot of work. A lot of research, a lot of soul search, a lot of questions and answers, a lot of figuring out what works for me and what doesn't. A lot of nights in tears in disbelief of what was happening. A big test in trusting the path that unraveled in front of me.

Today, I feel better than ever!

I am a firm believer in the natural world. Our bodies have the ability to heal themselves, but we got to do the work. Not easy, but life changing. You are in control of your health. You choose. But sometimes that choice is not so clear. Sometimes the cloud is too thick to see through it. Even within the "Natural World" of healing and healers, there are doctors and there are doctors. Sometimes it seems we are just coping with the symptomology for a really long time. Sometimes we think, "I guess that's life". Well, it doesn't have to be. We can lead radiant and healthy lives as we gracefully age.

A key to radiant and healthy lives is to find out the root of what is causing the dis-ease. To work with it at all levels, to find the courage to change.

On my journey to the root of my story I started researching which therapies were being done at renown Healing Centers using natural therapies to assist the Healing process. It was there where I first read about Live Blood Cell Analysis/ Darkfield Microscopy, Biological Terrain Assessment (BTA) and Ionized Oxygen Therapy (IOT). Tired of "coping", tired of theories without long lasting results, I wanted scientific proof. And proof I got.

It is just so cool to understand my body and to see my blood under the microscope on the screen! It has brought a whole other dimension to life. To see the red and white blood cells, their shape, size, the unwelcome guests!! And to know it all means something... right to the root source. To witness the incredible transformation my blood has had over the last 8 months, is truly magical!

So thank you life for the journey, for the brave new world that because of it has opened up. Thank you for the healing, thank you for the open heart.

I love this life!

"Food doesn't heal the body. The body heals itself. We just need to give it what it needs."
Brian Clement. Director of the Hippocrates Institute.
Early morning: Cucumber, celery, apple, lime, 6 oz of wheatgrass, coconut water. 20 oz.
Fast. ( you have to fast for 6 hrs. before the Live Blood Cell Analysis)
Dinner: Celery, dandelion, carrot, green apple, lemon. 20 oz.
After dinner: Collard, Kale, celery, sprouted lentils, garbanzo beans, cucumber, lemon. 12 oz.
Before I sat down to write: 4 oz of wheatgrass in 2 cups of coconut water.
As I write: 3 cups of hot water with Unpasteurized Miso (the brand I like is Cold Mountain).

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