As I focused on my breath, the sounds around me became less present, but then would re emerge in my awareness during the time I was there. There was a lovely dance between my breath, the sounds, smells, presence, thoughts, and again re focusing on the breath, sounds, smells....
I felt so light and open hearted. I felt nourished by the earth. I felt love and joy for life. As I walked through the forest I thought about the gifts meditation has given me. It has allowed me the space to look within, it has begun to teach me about being more present with myself and those around me (a work in progress!!), it allows me to connect with my energy and the energy of heaven and earth, it has brought peace, ease and sweetness to my days. I am happier.
As I sat in meditation with my kids and my husband tonight, I couldn't help but smile and appreciate the preciousness of the moment. Truly beautiful, to witness them wanting that time at night before bed to breath deeply, to connect with each other differently, to play the singing bowl, to chant together.
And then it hit me.. Connection and Perspective. We search and strive so much to connect with ourselves and one another. It brings meaning to our lives. The thing is we have always been connected to ourselves and those around us, we sometimes have forgotten to take the time to see it. Perspective, is the glass half full or half empty? The experience of the moment maybe shared by many, but what is our Perspective on it?
In this busy world, it is ever more important to take the time to connect and to understand and accept our own perspectives. For me, it has been the path to being more present with my life and for life to present itself more fully to me.
"We are on a journey of becoming that which we already are. That is the impossible paradox of our lives." -Leonard Jacobson
Morning: Cucumber, celery, kale, parsley, carrot, ginger, lemon. 8 oz.
Mid morning: 5 oz wheatgrass in 8 oz water
Lunch: Carrot, celery, kale, chard, lettuce, cilantro, ginger, alfalfa, flax, fenugreek, arugula, mustard, red clover, red cabbage, radish, lentil sprouts! , green grapes, mango. Delicious!!!!!! 20 oz.
Soon after: Carrot, celery, kale, lettuce, bok choi, parsley, mango, ginger. 20 oz.
Afternoon: Fennel, celery, grapefruit, orange. 20 oz
Soon after: Carrot, orange, ginger. 12 oz.
Dinner: 2 cups of hot water with Unpasteurized Miso.
As I write: hot fresh ginger tea.
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