Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 35: it's just so good to see rawllygood long lost friends again!

Sometimes life gives you the opportunity to reconnect with long lost childhood friends. It's as if time has not past, allthough 7 years have past since we saw each other last. Time passes, life passes, but the friendship, the love, the care is the same as it was when we were kids growing up. 

That funny thing called time and space, that binds us and separate us all at once. I have heard my parents say it over and over, in our hearts we still feel like we are 20, yet the world is different, kids have had kids, the 'space' or environment that surrounds us has changed... but deep within we are still the same. We want those honest, free flowing connections that bring so much warmth and joy to the heart. 

I find childhood friendships grounding. They are my roots, my past, the web that holds my life together. They are not only were I come from, they support whom I have become. Our paths may be completely different now, but the emotional connection is so strong that we can reach out and find the common in the different. I always feel rejuvenated after seeing my old childhood Venezuelan friends, seeing them connects me with a very happy time in my life. Happy, free, adventurous, and with a lot of love. 

As I move forward with Day 35!!! I meditate on happiness, on the simplicity I witnessed as a child, on the feeling of warmth in my heart, and of creating warmth in the hearts of those around me. 
"A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?"
Albert Einstein

Morning: Spinach, carrot, apple, ginger, garlic, cayenne pepper. 30 oz. (I woke up with a sore throat.. a little spice to kick it out!)
Mid Morning: cup of hot water with Unpasteurized Miso. 
Lunch: Kale, cucumber, celery, pineapple. 40 oz.
Mid Afternoon: cup of hot water with Unpasteurized Miso.
Dinner: Kale, fennel, celery, orange, grapefruit, 5 oz wheatgrass. 40 oz.
As I write: cup of tea. (Throat formula)

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