As Beatrex Quntanna explains, "21 is a sacred number because it holds the 21 Arcane Laws. These Laws are the 21 steps to Enlightenment. 21 is 3 sets of seven. Seven is a sacred number which indicates a complete cycle of learning.
The first set is the physical level of learning, the second set is the mental level of learning, and the third set is the spiritual level of learning. These are the 3 cycles we, as humans, must integrate while living in the energy of the school called Earth.
Often we concentrate on one level of learning and miss the other 2 levels. When we set the stage to do things in sets of 21 we then incorporate all levels of awareness. This sets up an intention to integrate and then true healing can occur. "
According to studies of symbolism, the properties of 21 in numerology are: Creation-Beginning, Destruction- Ending, Renewal- New Beginning. It also represents the union of Trinity that results in creation.
In nature, it is the completion of the cycle from egg, to caterpillar (or larva), to chrysalis (or pupa), to butterfly! The full cycle of transformation.
As I meditate on what the number 21 means for me, today I feel a new beginning, with much gratitude after yesterday's Blood work analysis. What a synchronicity that was! My appointment was pre booked... I only realized it would be on day 20 of the Juice Feast a few days beforehand. So it's with a breath of freshness, curiosity, thankfulness and certainty of being at the right place at the right time, that I welcome what is yet to come.
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." – Chinese proverb
Morning: Collard, dandelion, kale, celery, cucumber, apple, lemon, 6 oz of wheatgrass. 20 oz.
Mid morning: 2 cups of hot water with Unpasteurized Miso.
Lunch: Tomato, celery, garlic, carrot, cucumber, cilantro, kale. 24 oz
Min afternoon: glass of coconut water.
Dinner: baby Bok Choi, celery, cilantro, collard, lemon, green grapes, prickly pears. 24 oz.
As I write: cup of green tea.
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