Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 1/ Reintegration: harder than juicing!

Now that I know the juice fast is done, I found it challenging to only have the prunes... so I ate an apple too! I was hungry for lots of them, but I stuck with one in hopes that my system copes with the process of reintegration.

Tomorrow I will be able to dig into water based fruits and I am so looking forward to that!

Coping. Stress. Words we are all familiar with. Here is a video I have found touching and inspiring. It is about the implementation of Meditation as a tool for coping with stress in a troubled school in San Francisco. 

"Surrounded by poverty and escalating violence, a San Francisco middle school committed to peace and embraced a program of meditation that has made students feel safer, teachers more productive, and brought unity and purpose to the school."

Incredible, isn't it?

"Root out the violence in your life, and learn to live compassionately nad mindfully. Seek peace. When you have peace within, real peace with other is possible." -Thich Nhat Hanh

Before juicing: 6 oz prunes soaked in water and their water.
Morning collard, chard, lemon,apple,ginger. 10 oz.
Soon after: parsley, purple kale, cucumber, apple, coconut water, 5 oz. wheatgrass. 50 oz.
Lunch: 6 oz prunes soaked in water and their water.
Mid Afternoon: Pak choi, asian pear, celery, lemon, arugula sprouts, carrot. 40 oz.
Later: sliced apple. (not juiced).
Dinner: Pear, apple, ginger, cinnamon. 20 oz.

Note: way too many prunes!!!! wooo.

I have a rash on my right hand. It came a few days back, but today it is bigger. Red, hot and it is making my right hand very dry, almost like sand paper dry. Not sure what it is. Hoping it is part of the healing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am fascinated by your journey, and have a lot of catching up to do, to read about the 40 days and to learn about your motivation for starting this journey. Beyond anything else, I congratulate you for having the strength to have such consistent determination to go through with this 'ordeal'. I'm most curious about the 'shopping for groceries' aspect of this, that is a LOT of veggies to go through, to buy, and to bring home all the time. :-)


  3. Hi There! 'Shopping for Groceries' is quite the event at my house. Yes I do go through a lot of produce on a weekly basis, more so since I started the Juice feast. My cart looks more like a greenhouse than anything else... and I always get lots of very interesting comments and questions from the cashiers at the supermarket! As one begins to integrate more fresh produce into the diet it is important to have recepies, lists, guidance on what to do with it all!. But in time it becomes second nature.
