Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 27: Juicing the rainbow.. keeping my feet grounded and still reaching for the sky!

I have received several emails asking about my choices of juices, what I put in them, how much, and how it all got to be.

Well, well. I am a very intuitive juicer.. I buy a full load of produce and then as if I was choosing my paints to start the masterpiece painting, I start grabbing from the fridge!... I follow my cravings for the juice! Yes, I do crave collards and prickly pears together! But most of all I crave satisfying delicious juices that make my brain tickle with happiness!

I try and juice several dark leaf vegetables, some sprouts, an herb, celery and/or cucumber, some fruit, sometimes lime/lemon. That is the secret formula, which is no secret at all....

When combining the vegetables and fruits and choose from a wide variety of colours! yes, make your juice sing the colours of the rainbow. Our bodies need different nutrients found in different colour foods. If they go well together in a salad, most likely they will be delicious as a juice.

For the most part I keep my juices green. They still contain fruit, but the main ingredients are the greens. Sometimes, you have seen me do a carrot, ginger, orange.. or carrot, fennel, celery, orange... which have a bit more sugar in them (the carrots are quite sweet) and those give me an energy boost, so I have them, but they are not the majority of my juicing.

I have been juicing daily for the past 2.5 years, so my juicer and I are no longer strangers.... but at the beginning I found it extremely beneficial to rely on my juicing book: "Juicing for life" by Cherie Calbom and Maureen Keane. I have a very old edition... 1992!!!!

There are many juicing books out there now... Power Juices Super drinks by Steve Meyerowitz is a wonderful resource.

As well, there are countless online sources for recipes... so get lost on the web until you find the ones that sing to you.

Juicing on a daily basis is an important part of my day, when I am not on a Juice Feast. It's the first thing that goes in my body in the morning... and I literally feel my cells jump up and down yelling: thank you!. It gives me a high dose of nutrition to stay grounded as I reach for the sky.

My juicer is a Greenpower KEMPO twin gear juicer.  Because of its Twin blade technology it allows you to juice vegetables, fruits, and grasses easily. As well, it does not heat up the juice as it is being extracted from its source. It has been my faithful companion.

So, dear friends, open your fridge, get colour happy, and start juicing! your body will thank you for it.
"Because of our complex modern diet and overburdened digestive systems, only 10% of what we eat ever makes it to the trillions of cells that are in charge of our health. Juices, teas, milks (non-dairy) and other drinks are a fast and easy way to get the vital nourishment we need to help prevent and fight disease."
- Steve Meyerowitz


Morning: Celery, cucumber, kale, collard, lemon. 12 oz
Mid morning: coconut water and lime juice. 18 oz
Pre Lunch: cup of hot water with Unpasteurized Miso.
Lunch: Sunflower, radish, pea shoot, alfalfa, brocolli, daikon radish, cabbage, clover, rapini, quinoa, arugula, fennel sprouts! (wooa! that is the most sprouts I have ever put in a juice!), celery, orange, grapefruit. 40 oz.
Dinner: Tomato, celery, purple kale, pea sprouts, basil, red pepper, carrot, lemon. 40 oz. 
As I write: cup of hot water with Unpasteurized Miso.

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